Thursday, September 24, 2009

Male Gender Development Dialogues Project



  1. Context

Research has shown that the environments in which women find themselves in various contexts of Zambian society [as in most other poor developing countries] remain hostile and patriarchal. This conditioning places men in positions of assumed authority relative to women leading to the imbalances that are blamed for many development challenges this society faces today.


Despite the bias towards men, some men have identified the unfairness of the status quo and they have dedicated their time, talents and work toward addressing the imbalance. Working in diverse areas of development [the arts, literature, advocacy etc.] their feminist point of view, work and consciousness renders them unique and in conflict with the status quo while also exposed to ridicule by the traditional establishment that forms the context in which they live and work. Learning about their choices to work towards gender equity/ equality and experiences as a consequence of these choices within the paradigm described above would render clarity to the context and also present lessons on how men can begin to view partnership with women as an alternative and preferred reality to the unjust traditional current state of affairs.


Using the internet as a platform for this dialogue would not only serve to enhance the reach of the debate beyond the research environment but also serve as an open learning platform for all in access to the medium and provide an access point for support among men of similar feminist development interest. Due to its fluidity and diversity in choice of applications, the internet provides a multiplicity of means of sustaining male feminist dialogues [be they multiple streams of dialogue, common threads of thought etc]
creating individual male feminist web spaces and Web resources for use in learning, exhibitions, research, reporting and debate.

Learning about the lives, experiences and work of these men; self examination of feminist values and experiences by men; the use of the internet as a learning platform and a tool of transmission and engagement in Zambia, how the internet can facilitate the transference of the dialogue to other ICTs or forums renders this research of critical importance in the process of learning about actively influencing attitudes and assumptions that have been held for many traditions in Zambian society.


  1. Research Purpose

To explore how internet dialogues on gender by men can support men to examine how they can contribute to a gender just and balanced Zambia while being aware of their own feminist values and experiences.


  1. Research Question

How would Male Gender Internet Dialogues enhance enlightenment on feminism, gender and development in Zambian society?


  1. Theory of Change and Theoretical Framework
  2. Theory of Change

The purpose [To explore how internet dialogues on gender by men can support men to examine how they can contribute to a gender just and balanced Zambia while being aware of their own feminist values and experiences] involves building relationships that can project the principle of gender equality in Zambia and democratic debate and the democratic allowance of further debate within the debate to manifest itself will lead to a wider reach in expectations of impact. What is valuable here is that in the room of gender discourse, the male voice is dim if not silent and in this framework we see an attempt at granting it co-ownership [democracy].


  1. Theoretical framework

Input theory envisages the creation of a space and the criteria for discourse provides opportunity for interrelation, openness and creation.


The Output theory level suggests that a space for discourse allows recreation of new spaces and proposals for actions or shifts in behavior and practices.


Creativity allows for dreaming or discerning alternatives and breaking the gender divide in as far as dialoguing the biases that have prevailed for a long time.


Including men in Dialoguing biases provides the missing link to ownership of the debate and informs consensus on policy reform, behavior change and culture shifting.


  1. Methodology and methodological Justification

The research is grounded by a Mediating Discourse strategy and the traditions of feminist theorizing that inform the values of GRACE. The research practice will be framed by two complementing Qualitative Action Research methodologies;


  • Co-orporative Inquiry and
  • Appreciative Inquiry


The entire research process will be subjected to the quality and impact framework that serves to map the project processes of intention, theoretical proposition, project practice and outcome/impact


  1. Methodological Justification

I find that groundings are important in structuring the research process. The mediating discourse allows for the linking of theories of change with the practice of applying recommended changes in a practical way within the research environment without the element of judgment. This meaning that the change that takes place will not automatically be attributed to the change theory [or that the change theory will be expected to be the only means of proposing the ultimate change] I may envisage in the interim but result from dialogues, sharings and observations that are within the dialogical environment [this fluidity allows for organic growth of theory, practice and change as induced by practical need and relevance]. Women's development and progress is the underlying principle of GRACE and it remains the crowning purpose of the research.


The two complementing Qualitative Action Research methodologies;


  1. Co-orporative Inquiry: An action research methodology that works best in a research where the researcher works with people with similar interests and concerns, where these people are drawn to the interest of collectively learning and sharing and supporting each other in the inquiry process and based on this fact, it is suited to the research question because of my interest and involvement in gender development work as a man. Sharing experiences and ideas will best be retained within this research methodology framework. It also complements the research question and project purpose.


  2. Appreciative Inquiry: Appreciative Inquiry liberates the creative and constructive potential of groups and using this methodology within the research process will serve to take the respondents (including myself) to a deeper level of both self consciousness and that of achieving our work and goals more effectively. It also works best in research environments where improvements of working practices are required as would be the case when support is requested by participants.


For practical purposes, the research will be contained within the Quality and Impact framework that will also serve as a mapping frame of the progress of the project. Within these methods, such techniques as desk research, in-depth interviews and life journaling will be invaluable.


It must be noted that while the methodological choice has been made, I recognize that I still need more understanding on how to harmonize them within the single project. Based on this, I may have to consider allowing for even an organic approach in choice of methodology and basing this on context and relevance in accordance with the time and place. I don't yet see how I would involve quantitative research methods in a major way in this project.



  1. Quality and Impact Framework

Expectations of inputs into the Research Project

Theory: What is your theory of change – input to impact?

The purpose [To explore how internet dialogues on gender by men can support men to examine how they can contribute to a gender just and balanced Zambia while being aware of their own feminist values and experiences] involves building relationships that can project the principle of gender equality in Zambia and democratic debate and the democratic allowance of further debate within the debate to manifest itself will lead to a wider reach in expectations of impact. What is valuable here is that in the room of gender discourse, the male voice is dim if not silent and in this framework we see an attempt at granting it co-ownership [democracy].


The creation of a space and the criteria for discourse provides opportunity for interrelation, openness and creation 

  • Identification, introduction and induction of respondent [Zambian Male Boundary partners]. Learning about what informs their ideals and values and what they do and their aspirations and hopes and dreams.


    • Creations of an internet dialogue space. This based on the requirements and needs of participants [skills training, access] and in recognition of the capacity for growth of this space or the need for alternate web spaces that may form as a result of breakout dialogues


    • Democratic dialogue. Allowing for a space for the testing of ideas, generating new associations and enriching thoughts. Providing a neutral space where parallels of thinking are acceptable and organic growth of other debates outside the space is documented and free to manifest. This under certain guidelines in keeping with protection of the overall purpose


A space for discourse allows recreation of new spaces and proposals for actions or shifts in behavior and practices

  • Formation of networks of engagement around shared or differing ideas and points of view.


    • Formation of clusters and subgroups organically


    • Development of awareness in the spheres of work of the participants


    • Creation of a wave of discourse by men on their function within the realm of gender and development


Creativity allows for dreaming or discerning alternatives and breaking the gender divide in as far as dialoguing the biases that have prevailed for a long time

  • Collective and individual actions, formations of ideas and interventions, innovations


    • Development support structures for men who need them in terms of resources and discourse and as a shield from potential reprimand


Including men in Dialoguing biases provides the missing link to ownership of the debate and informs consensus on policy reform, behavior change, culture shifting 

  • Societal and Behavioral change breaking down biases


    • Wave momentum is created renewing the gender debate


    • Inter-level engagements and generic formations of developmental discourses leading to ownership of the concept of gender and gender equality across sexes and sectors or organs of society


  1. Outcome Map
    1. Project Vision

A gender conscious and enlightened Zambian society with men contributing to the gender and development dialogue that leads to their own self awareness and feminist consciousness and the sharing of ideas that lead to gender aware and sensitive development in all sectors of Zambian society


  1. Project Mission

To provoke and stimulate a gender dialogue process among and with men with the use of the internet as a primary medium that leads to a buildup of male gender dialogues beyond the project sphere and the establishment of male co-developed actions, explorations and exhibitions for gender development and consciousness in Zambia.


  1. Boundary partners

The boundary partners are Organizations and individuals who have been identified for their contributions and potential to contribute to the gender development dialogue in Zambia [they may have contributed work and they have potential to work within the area]. They have also been identified for their potential and ability to take the dialogue to its highest possible dissemination in various forms within their contexts or spheres of work. It must also be noted that these organizations would benefit from the knowledge created in the research process and thus for observations sake, they find their place within the project. These Organizations may also turn to each other as they reflect on each other's various areas of work in a process of networking and knowledge sharing.


The Boundary partners have been categorized according to areas of work forming boundary partner clusters which individually themselves are potential boundary partners [the clusters are groupings of organizations of similar interest and work] for the purpose of developing the basis for individual boundary partner discussions on participation in the project. These clusters are: Gender Advocacy Civil Society Organizations; Media Institutions; Creativity and expression fraternities; Funding and Resource Organizations; Policy making Institutions; Individual Respondents/ partners.


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